Thursday, September 25, 2014


So, the day started not so great and got a bit worst as it progressed.

UPS had stated they would deliver the box today, so Jonathan and I stayed in for most of the morning waiting for delivery. After waiting for a couple of hours, I decided to check the tracking status, and saw a message from 9:15 AM stating that the receiver (me) had requested delivery at a more appropriate time and they would attempt said new scheduled delivery on Friday.  Well, I never made such a request. However, there was nothing I can do about it at that point. We will have to stay in tomorrow and see if it arrives.  Though at this point I'm thinking it's a moot action - ill conceieved, and fool-hearty - like the rest of this journey we have made over the pond...

In total, about hree hours were wasted.  Around 12:30 PM we set out for the mairie to finally get Jonathan enrolled in school. We get on the bus that takes you directly to the mairie.  Halfway there, the bus veers down a different street. Me not knowing the bus system, assumed that the driver was aware of a detour issue ahead and was taking a different route. However, that was not the case.  He kept driving and driving. Jonathan, prayerfully, was enjoying the ride and quite content - no episodes on the bus - Praise God - as we continued weaving in and out of roads I'd never been on with this particular bus.  Well, eventually I realize we are now in the 20th Arrondissement, way beyond our original destination.  At a stop, Jonathan notices a little park with a playground.  So, to help me to stay composed, I tell him, okay, let's get off so you can play a little.  It turned out to be a lovely playground and we spent about an hour there.

We then headed to a Mickey D's that was conveniently around the corner.  From there, I saw a sign for that famous cemetary where Jim Morrison (from The Doors) is buried:  Pere Lachaise.

So we took a stroll there and walked through part of it. However, because I did not have a map detailing where particular famous cemetary plots were located, I decided that I would come back later (if I end up staying that is) to stroll on my own, without Jonathan having to go bumpity bump in his carriage over the beautiful, but aged cobblestone pathways.  I suppose I should have taken a pic of those at least, but hopefully...maybe, later.

After our unexpected time in the 20th, we found our way back to the bus and this time I asked the bus driver if it would end up taking us to the mairie in the 19th and he said yes.  So we boarded.  Eventually we got there.  This is where a not so great day (with the unexpected joy of the playground mitigating things somewhat), got a bit worst.

The two other times I've gone to the mairie, I was helped by a lovely, english-speaking agent.  Well, this time she was busy with another family.  Instead, I got a more disagreeable woman, and she made it clear that I would not be able to enroll Jonathan without a specific letter from his Father stating that he could be registered in a French school.  The other woman had told me yesterday, you have all that you need, just return tomorrow (since they don't do registrations on Wednesday) and I will process it for you and give you the inscription to take to the school.

Well, because I got a different agent, Jonathan will not be able to get enrolled, at least not in time for me to start school next week so that he's in school himself and in the after school program, as well.  To get a letter from Kay then get it translated - well, I just at this point don't know if I want to deal with it. I also have this gut feeling that if we are to stay and Jonathan is to attend school, it should not be in a public school - and definitely not in our neighborhood, which I realize now after seeing other parts of the 19th and the 20th today, is essentially the ghetto.  A nice, multi-cultural ghetto, but ghetto nonetheless.  And in general I don't have a problem with that - I love the energy and diversity - but it does give me pause in terms of the quality of education and the kind of students Jonathan will be with - students who I've already mentioned haven't been the friendliest to him at our building or today in the playground that I discovered a few steps from our apartment.  And he's been more than friendly - going up to children to say hi (or bon jour) and trying to enter into play with them. I thank God he's got this real tough, I don't care what you think spirit about him. If they ignore him, he just goes about his business being happy and playing.

And as I mentioned above, we discovered a playground right near our building!  That find certainly helped to make a dour day a bit brighter. I usually go left out of our building to head wherever we are headed for that day, since that 's the direction of the metro and bus stops.  However, I saw that there is an above ground tram system to the right and decided to see where it originates.  Well, walking that way, we discovered a brand new playground, similar to the one we visited earlier in the day in the 20th!  What a find!

It also has weight-bearing weight lifting equipement (I didn't take pics of that).  Would be a great way to get back into shape - again, if I stay.

So, in terms of the school thing. I don't know. I don't believe we should move forward with the public school.  I was feeling that a catholic school would work better - and they tend to be cheaper tuition-wise than other private schools in Paris. However, what schools I could find don't have adequate info online and I can't figure out exactly where they are located in terms of our apartment and me being able to drop Jonathan off in time for me to get to class in time, on the days I have class.

I am at an impasse. It seems to me this last thing is the last thing.  Even after the bright spot yesterday of being connected to some sisters here who are African heritage but Parisian-raised, who I will meet this weekend and would possibly be able to assist with Saturday care for Jonathan on those days when I have Saturday classes - which I thought was my last true dilemma remaining here.  I was connected to them through a lovely woman who I got connected to through a member of my online lifegroup - Joyce. Joyce is in the UK and so is Laetitia and when Joyce found out that Laetitia was from Paris, she hooked us together. We've been emailing and I mentioned my issue with Saturday care and she said she has three sisters in Paris who might be able to help!  That put me to sleep with an extra portion of peace.  And then today happened.

So, we have the joy of new playgrounds and an unexpected visit to a destination in Paris I was hoping to eventually get to - but I have no idea how I will be able to stay here and attend school if Jonathan is not enrolled in school himself.  State-run daycares (creches) are not a possiblity - people are on waiting lists for years to get into one of those.  I just don't know. I don't know.  I don't know.

God - are we to return to NJ?  Am I just being stubborn and not reading the signs??  Was this all for naught. If so, yes, I'm embarressed and ashamed, but Jonathan's welfare is what's most important.  If things aren't clear by the end of the weekend related to how this can work out, I will book my tickets home on Monday.

Show me Lord. PLEASE speak to me clearly so that I make the right decision.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You should not be embarrassed about this trip. I think you are brave. I think God wants you there. I don't know for how long but there is a purpose. He will show you. We are all praying for you!

  3. I'm sorry things aren't going as planned. This might be a bumpy start to what becomes the most incredible journey for you an Jonathan, or you may need to go home if you continue to encounter obstacle after obstacle. I know that your answer will come very quickly! Don't be embarrassed! Do you know the amount of strength,FAITH, courage and bravery it takes to uproot yourself and Jonathan for an experience like this? Not many could do it. I know I couldn't. If it is meant for you and Jonathan to return to the US, you journey is NOT futile. You are learning about yourself, Jonathan, and you are taking in some incredible sights many of us can only dream of. Every moment is a teachable moment and everything happens for a reason. Hang in there!
