Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Still straddling

Even though Jonathan's behavior has given me some instight into my own weaknesses, it's still been a struggle to handle it and stay in peace.  One more fit on a train and I think I'm gonna lose it.  Then, today, I got another delay with school enrollment (they don't do registrations on Wednesdays, which is 1/2 day school or no school for most of Paris), making me think that's just God's way of telling me that this whole deal was my plan alone and not His will at all and as long as I try to gut it out, it'll just get harder and harder.  Plus, because today was 1/2 day school, I was able to see the assortment of children coming out of the school that Jonathan will be attending, and they all seemed so rough!  Jonathan is no wilting flower - but he doesn't know the language, is very boistrous and friendly - and I'm nervous that he'll get into this school, with these rough, seemingly unfriendly students, and not so sweet teachers (they're not lovey dovey preschool instructors like in the US) and it will completely deflate him.  I want him to excel - to truly enjoy the experience.  With all that's transpired so far, I'm just not sure that will happen.  It has JUST been a little over a week.  I start classes next Thursday.  Maybe it's just a matter of Jonathan being in school (and hopefully liking it and not getting bullied!) and me being in my routine that will help.

I did enjoy some time with Jonathan at Parc du Lac-Beauchamp again.  I had fun pushing Jonathan on an old-fashioned iron swing.  It cost 1.50 euro for 5 minutes, and I noticed that the vendor sorta cheated me:  Only I was timed for my 5 minutes, while the native Parisians just had their clock sit at 5:00 without ever moving.  However, I'm just too tired at this point to argue and I really didn't want to push Jonathan for more than 5 minutes, nor did he want to be on the swing for more than 5 minutes.  So, I suppose I wasn't truly cheated-cheated.

We then had lunch at this cute, little, diner-like cafe that will become my favorite little spot (if I decide to stay).  I just loved it and my mixte (ham and cheese with butter on French bread) was the best I've had so far.  See the pretty menu below.  Jonathan actually ate one of his two, HUGE hot dogs.  The hot dogs are a bit strange looking here and have a distince taste - not sure what they're made of - will have to investigate.  Frites (fries) were also really good and for 4.90 euro, I had myslef a good 25 ml (about two glasses) of white wine.  Definitely took the edge off!

I had included pics of Jonathan's plate of mostly eaten food, the restaurant's pretty menu and a video of me pushing Jonathan on the screen, but I must not have uploaded them correctly, cause they were not showing up.  I had to remove them and they were originally on a phone that you'll read about later which went the way of death, and I had not uploaded them to Picasa web, so I'm unable to re-post.:-(

Anyway, until my next vent...

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